CELP Rural Water Supply and Instream Flows Materials
CELP, Earthjustice. Letter to M. Bellon: County Decisions Regarding Water Availability, Follow-up From April 2012 Meeting. May 11, 2012.
CELP. Rural Water Supply Guidance Document Comments. March 31, 2015
CELP. Letter to M. Bellon objecting to ECY using Out-of-kind mitigation from Senate version SB 5965. August 26, 2015
CELP. Proposed Water Management Strategies to protect Instream Flows and provide Water for Rural Development. June, 2014.
CELP, Earthjustice. Letter to King County regarding Exempt Wells: Water Availability Requirements; Building and Subdivision Permits. September 14, 2011.
Columbia River Treaty
Portland Conference October 24: One River, Ethics Matter.
Film: Treaty Talks
Columbia River Treaty Round Table
CELP and Sierra Club: Ethics & Treaty Project
Fish Passage
UCUT. Fish Passage.
CRITFC. Columbia Basin Passage Barriers.
Legislative Concepts
Dept of Ecology. Mitigation Study Bill. SSB 5965.
CELP. Water Banking Principles. January 26, 2015.
Reps. Chandler, Blake, Buys, Stanford, Hayes, Parker. Yakima Water Banking Bill, EHB 1187. 2015.
Rep. McCoy. Groundwater Monitoring, HB 2477. December 20, 2007.
Reps. McCoy, Chase. Stockwater Exemption: limiting withdrawals of groundwater. January 8, 2010.
Permit Exempt Wells within/adjacent to Water System Service Area, S-0028.1/11
Sen. Nelson. Exempt Well Fee for Groundwater Monitoring, SB 5757. 2011.
Reps. Lytton, Stanford, Fitzgibbon, Tharinger, Morris. Lytton Bill on alternative water procurement, HB 1793. February 16, 2015
Speaker Materials
Melody Allen. (Outline) Kitsap on the Ground: Protecting Treaty Rights – Using Water and Land Use Laws.
(PowerPoint) Kitsap on the Ground: Protecting Treaty Rights – Using Water and Land Use Laws.
MOU between the Suquamish Tribe and Kitsap County Public Utility District #1
Melissa Bates. (PowerPoint) Kittitas County 2015 – or why I bought artificial flowers this year.
Emily Haley. (Table) Permit-Exempt Wells are Subject to Prior Appropriation, Including Senior Instream Flow Rights.
Jean Melious. (PowerPoint) Hirst v. Whatcom County Supreme Court Case No. 91475-3. Planning for Water Quality and Quantity under the Growth Management Act.
Rachael Paschal Osborn. (PowerPoint) A People’s History of Washington Water Law.
Andrea Rodgers. (Superior Court Order) Foster v. Ecology. June 23, 2015.
(News Release) Our Children’s Trust, Plant for The Planet, WELC. Washington State Youth Win Unprecedented Decision in their Climate Change Lawsuit. June 24, 2015.
Charles Tebbutt. (Consent Decree) CARES, Center for Food Safety v. Cow Palace. May 19, 2015.
Dan Von Seggern. (PowerPoint) Foster v. Ecology, City of Yelm (OCPI, out-of-kind mitigation); CELP v. Ecology and Okanogan PUD No. 1 (Application of four-part test); Bassett v. Ecology (Instream Flow Rule requiring mitigation).
Larry Wasserman. (Outline) Resources for Water Rights Mitigation.
PCHB. (Denying Summary Judgment, Vacatur, and Final Judgment) OWL, CELP v. Ecology, Kennewick General Hospital.
PCHB. (Excerpt, Out-of-Kind Mitigation) OWL, CELP v. ECY, KGH
ECY. Evaluating Mitigation Plans, Water Resources Program Policy.
Bruce Wishart. (PowerPoint) Ecology Rural Water Supply Advisory Committee.