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We want to say THANK YOU for all of your support in 2019. Your generous gifts at the end of the year set us up for another great year of protecting and restoring Washington’s waters. Your donations raised $13,645! With Patagonia Action Works’ match we raised a grand total of $19,645!

As we head in to 2020, CELP will be ready and able to: 

  • Raise public awareness about water scarcity issues, including the impacts of climate change, with the goal of moving people to act to protect water resources 
  • Advocate for the Department of Ecology to adopt sustainable instream flows for critical unprotected watersheds to protect fish and wildlife habitats, recreation, aesthetics, and water quality. 
  • Participate in streamflow restoration workgroups around the state to ensure water for water mitigation for new Permit Exempt wells. 
  • Work with Native American Tribes to honor and support their treaty water rights and protect tribal fisheries. 
  • Use public litigation to protect and defend Washington’s rivers and drinking water aquifers. 

We thank you again for your continued support!

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