We are a small (3 person) staff, so our volunteers provide critical support to build CELP’s capacity and expand our reach. Our work is varied and so the opportunities for volunteers are too! Take a look at some of the common focus areas our volunteers help us with, or feel free to let us know what unique skills, experience, or expertise you can share.

Litigation + Policy
CELP reaches as far as it does thanks to our dedicated team of volunteer attorneys, paralegals and law students. If you are an attorney or paralegal interested in working with us on policy, legislation, or litigation, please contact CELP’s Legal and Policy Director, Maggie Franquemont. Law students completing their second year are invited to apply for our summer internships. Coursework in environmental or administrative law is required.

Marketing + Development
Are you a photographer, writer, or artist? We are fortunate to live in a state with endless beauty, which we love to celebrate. Send us your pieces to be shared on our social media, to our website, or in other communications.

Communications + Outreach
Are you passionate about our mission and want to help others understand the importance of acting on behalf of our waterways? Join our Outreach and Communications Coordinator at events around the state or get in touch to organize your own! We also need help with event planning and fundraising, especially ahead of our annual Celebrate Waters event in early fall.

Scientists + Water Resource Specialists
CELP strives to bring science-based water management to Washington. If you have technical skills that you would like to share, we would like to work with you. We also greatly value feedback and input from our local outdoor recreation guides and enthusiasts. If you know of a waterway in need, let us know.