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The links below provide access to documents relating to work to modernize the Columbia River Treaty, starting at the bottom with the Oregon Treaty of 1846.  The more current documents are posted just below.

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Dammed to Extinction.  Peterson/Hawley Productions.

2020 ______________

July. Columbia River Treaty 2019 Community Meetings Summary Report. Province of B.C.

April. Improving Ecosystem Function in the Upper Columbia Basin: Discussion Paper (version 2). Upper Columbia Basin Environmental Collaborative.

April. Summary: Improving Ecosystem Function in the Upper Columbia Basin: Discussion Paper (version 2). Upper Columbia Basin Environmental Collaborative.

March. Interactive Story Map: Lessons from One River, One Future Transboundary Conference. University of Idaho (Law of the Columbia River, Water Resources Course).

2019 _______________

September.  Draft updated Columbia River Treaty Recommendations from the B.C. Local Governments Committee.

September. DRAFT Proposal for Transforming Transboundary Water Governance in the Columbia River Basin.

September. Transboundary Columbia River Conference: One River, One Future. Sense of the Meeting: Water Governance Session.

March. Interactive Story Map: Lessons from One River, One Future Transboundary Conference. University of Idaho (Law of the Columbia River, Water Resources Course).

2018 _______________

Oct 12.  Letter from Northwest Power and Conservation Council to BPA regarding the Northwest Power Act and the Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program.  (link)

Sept.  Wild Salmon & Steelhead News.  Save our Wild Salmon

July 25.  Pacific NorthWest Economic Region 2018 Annual Summit – CRT Session.  Spokane.  Statements:

May 28.  YouTube:  CRT – Introduction, Overview of issuesVictoria.

The Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA), in partnership with the University of Victoria’s POLIS Project on Ecological Governance and Centre for Global Studies, hosted a one-day Columbia River Treaty Symposium on May 28th, 2018 as part of the CWRA 2018 National Conference.

March 21, 2018. Discussion Paper: Improving Ecosystem Function in the Canadian (Upper) Columbia Basin. Upper Columbia Basin Environmental Collaborative.

April 11.  Photos:  Missoula:  One River, Ethics Matter.

Feb. 27.  Photos:  Kettle Falls meeting, River Roundtable.

2017 _______________

Photos:  The River is Sacred:  Memorial Service for Virgil Seymour.  John Osborn, September 9, 2017.

Letter. 47 scientists to elected officials in the Northwest regarding support for increasing spill at dams to help out-migrating juvenile salmon, steelhead. August 16, 2017.

Letter. Fishing and Outdoor Recreation Companies to Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, thanking her for leadership to protect, restore endangered wild salmon and steelhead. August 9, 2017.

Matthew Shultz, MESc & Miles Johnson, JD. Computer modeling shows that Lower Snake River dams caused dangerously hot water for salmon in 2015 Columbia Riverkeeper.

Earth Economics.  The Value of Natural Capital in the Columbia River Basin:  A Comprehensive Analysis. 2017.

Members of Congress (7).  Letter to President Trump regarding importance of renegotiating Treaty, including notice of termination.  June 21, 2017.

University of California, Berkeley – CRT Science Advisory Group.  New Science Requirements in Support of a Modernized Columbia River Treaty.  June 14, 2017.

Elliot Mainzer, BPA Administrator.  Reply to May 2, 2017 letter from McMorris Rodgers et al regarding impacts of Judge Simon’s BiOp ruling.  June 5, 2017.

31 Fishing/Conservation Organizations. Letter to Reps. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Kurt Schrader, Dan Newhouse, Peter DeFazio regarding Judge Simon’s ruling to grant an injection to reduce harm to salmon, steelhead. May 17, 2017.

Rep. McMorris-Rodgers et al.  Letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke: concerns about Judge Simon’s ruling and 8 questions.  May 2, 2017.

One River – Ethics Matter: Revelstoke. May 13, 2017.

Salmon Recovery Conference. April 25-27, 2017.

Alan Thompson, Greg Utzig, Bill Green, and Nicole Kapell. Arrow Lakes Reservoir Mid-Elevation Scenarios: Scoping Evaluation. April 2017

2016 _______________

CRT Ecosystem Function: A Definition (American NGO Treaty Caucus)

Mary Annette Pember.  Intergenerational Trauma:  Understanding Natives’ Inherited Pain.  Indian Country Today Media Network. 2016.

Climate Change Workshop. October, 2016.

Healthy Floodplains, Living Rivers – Future of Our Salmon Conference, 2016

Canoe Journey and Gathering at Kettle Falls. June 7, 2016.

One River – Ethics Matter: Boise. March 14, 2016.


50 Conservation/Fishing/Faith organizations. Letter to Secretary of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, British Columbia Premier on need for collaboration, in developing a shared information base in making informed decisions about the Columbia River. February 10, 2016.


One River – Ethics Matter: Portland. October 24, 2015.

Letter from The United Methodist Church, The Pacific Northwest Conference in support of the Declaration on Ethics & Modernizing the Columbia River Treaty. October 5, 2015.

Fish Passage & Reintroduction into the U.S. & Canadian Upper Columbia Basin. The Columbia Basin Tribes & First Nations. July 2015.

A Sacred Responsibility: Governing the Use of Water and Related Resources in the International Columbia Basin Through the Prism of Tribes and First Nations. Universities Consortium on Columbia River Governance. June 2015.

  •  Text (pdf)
  •  Universities Consortium (website)

Papal Encyclical: Laudato Si. June 18, 2015.

Upper Columbia River Basin Fish Passage and Reintroduction Project. UCUT.

Letter from leadership of Anglican Church of Canada,  Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Episcopal Church to Prime Minister, President. June 11, 2015.

Salmon Recovery Conference. May 27-29, 2015.

Columbia River: 2015 Most Endangered River. American Rivers.

Rachael Paschal Osborn. Grand Coulee Fish Passage Getting Attention. Naiads. February 22, 2015.

2014 _______________

Barbara Cosens, Alexander Fremier, Nigel Bankes, John Abatzoglou.  The Columbia River Treaty and the Dynamics of Transboundary Water Negotiations in a Changing Environment:  How Might Climate Change Alter the Game?  Social Science Research Network (SSRN). November 21, 2014.

Letter from 21 religious and indigenous leaders to Prime Minister, President. September 23, 2014.

Declaration on Ethics & Modernizing the Columbia River Treaty. May 13, 2014.

One River – Ethics Matter: Spokane. May 13, 2014.

B.C.: Columbia River Treaty Review March 2014 (webpage)

2013 _______________

U.S. Regional Recommendations (webpage)

Sierra Club. Comments on U.S. Entity Cover Letter and Working Draft Recommendations for Columbia River Treaty Review. August 9, 2013.

Salmon Recovery Conference. May 14-15, 2013.

2012 _______________

Rachael Paschal Osborn. Climate Change and the Columbia River Treaty. Washington Journal of Environmental Law & Policy. December, 2012.

2011 _______________

Salmon Recovery Conference. April 26-27, 2011.

March 2011. Dam Footprint Impact Summary: BC Hydro Dams in the Columbia Basin. G. Utzig & D. Schmidt.

2010 _______________

Columbia Basin Tribes Common Views on the Future of the Columbia River Treaty February 25, 2010 (webpage) (PDF)

2000 – 2009 _______________

Salmon Recovery Conference. April 15-16, 2009.

Salmon Recovery Conference. April 26, 2007.

Columbia River Pastoral Letter 2001

1965 – 1999 _______________

1846 – 1964_______________

Columbia River Treaty 1964

Letters between U.S. and Canada regarding Grand Coulee Dam extirpating salmon runs to the Upper Columbia 193-

Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909

Oregon Treaty of 1846

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