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How We Shape Policy

Here at the Center for Environmental Law & Policy, our mission is to protect, preserve, and restore Washington’s waters. Our vision for the future is that Washington State will have clean and abundant waters to support healthy communities, thriving ecosystems, and climate resilience. Making this vision a reality informs every decision we make as we build and enact our policy strategy, and we approach our work always through the lens of sustainability and equity.

We work in Olympia with legislators to improve water management laws and support bills that will protect and restore Washington’s waterways while working to block bills that have the potential to harm rivers and aquifers. We bring decades of water law experience to the table as we collaborate with local, state, and federal agencies to craft legally sound regulations.  In allyship with other stakeholders across the state, we defer to the data ensuring solutions to problems with water management are based on the science.

Our Priorities

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