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Although it is a short session this year, CELP is very busy tackling the many water-related bills introduced. It is a big year for water and we are working hard in Olympia to protect the public interest in our waters and preserve and restore our rivers and aquifers.

Bills we Support

Passed the House and the Senate

Motorized/Suction Dredge Mining Ban (ESHB 1261)

Passed the House on Feb 12 1st substitute bill substituted (ENVI 19).(View 1st Substitute)Floor amendment(s) adopted. yeas, 60; nays, 35. Passed the Senate on Mar 5 yeas, 37; nays, 10; absent, 0; excused, 2.

On March 6th signed by the Speaker of the House. On March 7th signed by the Senate President.

Mar 9th Delivered to Governor.

Water & Energy Conservation C-PACER (E2SHB 2405)

Passed the House on Feb 18 2nd substitute bill substituted (APP 20). (View 2nd Substitute) yeas, 93; nays, 4; Passed the Senate on Mar 5 yeas, 40; nays, 7; absent, 0; excused, 2.

On Mar 7th the House concurred in Senate amendments.Passed final passage; yeas, 93; nays, 4; absent, 0; excused, 1.

Mar 9th Speaker of the House signed. March 10th Senate President signed.

Mar 11th Delivered to Governor.

Ecology’s Drought Legislation (ESHB 1622)

Passed the House on Jan 29 yeas, 79; nays, 17. Passed the Senate on Mar 5 Committee amendment(s) adopted with no other amendments. yeas, 48; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 1.

On Mar 7th the House concurred in Senate amendments.Passed final passage; yeas, 87; nays, 10; absent, 0; excused, 1.

Mar 9th Speaker of the House signed. March 10th Senate President signed.

Mar 11th Delivered to Governor.

Reusable Bag Bill (ESSB 5323 )

On Jan 15 passed Senate yeas, 30; nays, 19. Passed the House on Mar 7 yeas, 67; nays, 29; absent, 0; excused, 2. 

On March 9th the Senate concurred in House amendments. Passed final passage; yeas, 33; nays, 15; absent, 0; excused, 1.

March 11th Senate President signed. March 11th Speaker of the House signed.

March 12th delivered to the Governor.

Low-Water Landscaping (HB 1165)

Passed the House on Jan 27 yeas, 93; nays, 4; absent, 0; excused, 1. (View Roll Calls) Passed the Senate on Mar 3 yeas, 46; nays, 2; absent, 0; excused, 1. (View Roll Calls)

On March 5th signed by the Speaker of the House. On March 6th signed by the Senate President.

Mar 9th Delivered to Governor.

Passed the Senate

Commercial Water Bottling (ESSB 6278) – Did not pass out committee in the House

Styrofoam Ban (E2SSB 6213) – Did not pass out of committee in the House

Passed the House

Tackling Climate Change in Growth Management (ESHB 2427) – Did not pass out of committee in the Senate

Track the bills and see CELP’s position

Clean and Abundant Lobby Day

New Date: February 25th, 2020

The Center for Environmental Law & Policy and Waterkeeper Alliance coordinated our second annual Clean & Abundant Waters Lobby Day on February 25th.

We met with over 45 legislators or their staff to advocate for bills that protect our waterways, salmon, and orca. Our six priority bills included the Commerical Water Bottling Bill (ESSB 6278), Reusable Bag Bill (ESSB 5323), Styrofoam Ban (E2SSB 6213), Motorized/Suction Dredge Mining Bill (ESHB 1261), Water & Energy Conservation C-PACER (E2SHB 2405), Ecology’s Drought Legislation (ESHB 1622). Over 60 attendees from 27 legislative districts received hands-on advocacy training and met with like-minded community members from across the state.

Special thanks to Puget Soundkeeper Alliance for coordinating lobby day with us. Thanks to Waterkeeper Alliance groups, Columbia Riverkeeper, Spokane Riverkeeper, North Sound Baykeeper, Twin Harbors Waterkeeper, and to Trout Unlimited, RE Sources for Sustainable Communities, the Lewis County Water Alliance, Cowlitz Indian Tribe, and everyone else who made it to Olympia to support clean and abundant water.

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