What is “greywater”?
Greywater is wastewater from domestic fixtures (sinks, showers, washing machines, NOT toilets), as well as stormwater runoff or rainwater that is captured on-site.
What is greywater used for?
Once treated, greywater could be used for non-potable uses such as flushing toilets or subsurface irrigation. Greywater would not be used for purposes like drinking, cooking, or bathing.
Why reuse greywater?
Every gallon of water that is reused is a gallon of water that does not have to be taken from the source, usually a river or well. Reuse not only reduces impact on the water source, but saves money by reducing demand for new potable water. This is a common-sense way to reduce the demand for potable water, and take pressure off our rivers and streams. Greywater reuse is a common-sense approach already used in other states and countries.

CELP supports ESHB 1184 Concerning risk-based water quality standards for on-site nonpotable water systems.
What does ESHB 1184 do?
HB 1184 will create a path for on-site reuse of water in buildings or developments and instruct the Department of Health to establish standards for reuse of greywater, rainwater, and stormwater on site. DOH would adopt rules requiring that bacteria and viruses in greywater be reduced below hazardous levels. HB1184 also requires that the DOH rules include requirements for performance of water treatment systems and reporting of water quality.