11th Annual Winter Waters celebration of rivers, lakes, and drinking water aquifers, and those who struggle to protect them
Winter Waters 2019 Celebration is jointly hosted by Sierra Club’s Upper Columbia River Group and CELP to recognize and honor individuals, tribes, and organizations who have contributed significantly to protecting and restoring the waters of the Upper Columbia River.
When: March 1 (Friday) 6:30 p.m. – 9:30
Where: Spokane – historic Patsy Clark Mansion, 2208 W. 2nd Ave
What: Honoring our heroes – also music, desserts and other small foods, wines
Tickets: $35 per person (purchase on-line or at the door – but please RSVP)
To help with this event and to RSVP contact:
- Tom Soeldner waltsoe@gmail.com (509) 270-6995 or (509) 838-4632
- John Roskelley john@johnroskelley.com (509) 954-5653
- John Osborn john@waterplanet.ws (509) 939-1290
Event Hosts –
Upper Columbia United Tribes * Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane * Eymann Allison Hunter Jones PS * William Skylstad, Bishop Emeritus * Columbia Institute for Water Policy * Suzy Dix * Martin Wells & Susan Briehl * Fred Christ * Kathy Dixon & Barbara Rasero * Morton Alexander & Paige Kenney * Tom Soeldner & Linda Finney * John & Joyce Roskelley * John & Rachael Osborn
Honoring the Kalispel Tribe of Indians
The timing of honoring the Kalispel Tribe of Indians is entirely appropriate, and the honor well-deserved. The Kalispel Tribal homeland extended from what is now Plains, Montana, down the Clark Fork River, all of Priest and Pend Oreille Lakes, down the Pend Oreille River into Canada encompassing 3.5 million acres. These waters and lands have a voice: through those who have lived here from time immemorial, the Kalispel Tribe of Indians. The Tribe speak for these waters and lands with the responsibility that entails.
The Kalispel Tribe of Indians has been a strong and steady voice for protecting habitats for fish and wildlife. This has included work with Seattle City Power and Light in licensing of Boundary Dam to protect and restore resident fisheries in the Pend Oreille watershed.
Albeni Falls Dam at the outflow of Lake Pend Oreille blocks bull trout migration upstream for spawning. That needs to change. Albeni Falls Dam is a federal facility under the responsibility of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bonneville Power Administration and Bureau of Reclamation. The Kalispel Tribe of Indians has been a consistent voice for bull trout, advocating that passage for bull trout be provided.
The silicon smelter proposed for Newport, Washington, being fast-tracked by the State of Washington carries risks of injury to the waters, lands, and people of the area. The silicon smelter is just the latest in a long history of mining and smelting that has left a ruinous legacy of pollution for our vulnerable region. The Upper Columbia River tribes have emerged as leaders in protecting the public interest and common good in addressing massive pollution problems. The Kalispel Tribe too has stepped forward: to work with the people of Newport, Washington, and the broader region to protect both public health and environmental health.
We also recognize that the journey to protect and restore the Tribe’s homelands is a long journey. Chairman Nenema has correctly noted, “Many of the things our Tribe has accomplished happened over many years. Things take time, vision and patience, and leaders need consistency in order to make things happen.”
Kalispel Tribe stewardship: more
- Natural Resources
- Wildlife Program
- Fisheries Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation
- A River and a People