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Anne Shaffer Shares Her Water Story

Anne Shaffer is the Executive Director & Lead Scientist of the Coastal Watershed Institute. I was raised in a large family in a small town in eastern Washington ravaged by PTSD of post WWII. Wild lands, including rivers creeks and…

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Kimberly Ordon aka KO, Water Hero 2021

Kimberly Ordon is a graduate of the University of Colorado (BA 1976; MA 1980) and of Lewis & Clark Law School (JD 1985).  Kimberly started her legal career representing tribes at the Native American Program of Oregon Legal Services in…

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Sharon Haensly, Water Hero 2021

Sharon has practiced law since 1988. She has a Bachelors of Science degree in Natural Resources from Cornell University (1981), and a law degree from the University of Oregon (1988). She has been a staff attorney with the Squaxin Island…

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Youth Climate Lawsuits

Lawsuits arguing governments have a human rights obligation to avoid dangerous levels of global warming are becoming increasingly widespread around the world. Climate litigation, an emerging field of law, has seen lawyers test several strategies for challenging climate harm or…

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Image of Lorraine at Fraser River- Amy Seiders courtesy of the NWIFC

Lorraine Loomis

We are greatly saddened to hear about the passing of Lorraine Loomis. She was an incredible person and champion for fish and tribal rights. It is a great loss. Our hearts are with Lorraine’s family, the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community,…

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Spokane River PCB Clean Up

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of industrial compounds found in paint additives, adhesives, hydraulic fluids, electrical insulators, capacitors, and electric appliances such as television sets or refrigerators. Prevalent in the air, soil, and water worldwide, research in the 1960s…

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Washington Water Watch: Jan. & Feb. Edition

Happy New Year! We are starting the new year with a new administration, and with it hope for federal progress on clean and abundant water, strengthening tribal treaty rights, and modernizing the Columbia River Treaty.   Here at home, we started…

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Mountain in background with dusting of snow. Water through the middle of the image. A small dirt pathway and colorful plants in the foreground.

Washington Water Watch: November Edition

As the year approaches its end, we have all had to rethink how we do many things including work, school, birthdays and holidays. But that hasn’t stopped us from doing our work to protect and restore our river flows through…

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