The Comfort Inn Missoula also across the river from campus has 15 or so rooms that will be available for $94 per night, similar arrangement, but conference participants can book these if available up to and including the day of the conference.
The Double Tree Inn Missoula immediately across the river from campus: we suggest that you ask for the “state rate
when making a reservation – tell them that you are attending the conference. (Their block reservation expired on March 30.)
Tabling is available for free at the conference but requires reservation. Please contact john@waterplanet.ws with interest or questions.
Transportation Information:
See this Google Map featuring conference hotels, campus locations, and connecting features:
Conference Map
Walking: If you’re staying overnight at the Holiday Inn, Double Tree, or Comfort Inn, it’s an easy and quick walk to campus. You can cross on pedestrian/bike bridges (under the Madison Street Bridge or on the Riverfront Trail Bridge).
Parking Passes: We will have complimentary daily parking passes available at the registration area for the conference (University Center Third Floor Grand Foyer). You may park in any lot allowing Faculty, Student, Staff Parking (A & C or Green areas shown on the map linked immediately below), come and acquire a pass, and return that to your vehicle (Public Safety will not ticket cars until after 9 am). Parking passes are also available at the UM Bookstore ($3.50).
Parking Map (Main Campus): click to view
Park & Ride
Free Park and Ride on Red Line from Dornblaser Field/Lewis & Clark Village
Parking Map (South of Campus): view
Red Line Route: view
Parking at your Hotel
Utilize Guest Parking at your hotel and ride a bus for free (!):
Mountain Line – # 1 or # 12 Routes circulate between downtown and campus
UDASH Green Line (provides rides from near Doubletree and Comfort Inn to campus)
Out and About in Downtown and/or Hip Strip Late at Night