On March 4, 2016, at the Patsy Clark Mansion in Spokane, people gathered to honor Bishop Skylstad and the Steering Committee of the Columbia River Pastoral Letter. 2016 marks the 15th anniversary of the Columbia River Pastoral Letter, and the honoring event was also a reunion for Steering Committee members.
You can view photos and a slide show of the honoring event. Winter Waters is hosted jointly by the Upper Columbia River Group of Sierra Club and the Center for Environmental Law & Policy (CELP) to honor our watershed heroes and to raise funds to advance stewardship of the Spokane River and the Columbia River.

Upper Columbia United Tribes representative Keith Kuchins read a letter from the five tribes that constitute UCUT. The stewardship and justice messages contained within the Columbia River Pastoral Letter are important for the people of the Basin, including tribes and First Nations struggling with the wrenching impacts of the dam-building era. The UCUT — comprised of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, Colville Confederated Tribes, Kalispel Tribe of Indians, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, and the Spokane Tribe of Indians — was a major sponsor of the honoring event. The Colville Confederated Tribes provided the sockeye salmon from the Okanogan River Basin, tributary to the Columbia.
Professor Steve Kolmes, a member of the Steering Committee and who has been involved with implementing the Pastoral Letter through the Ethics & Treaty Project, introduced Bishop Skylstad and the members of the Steering Committee. You can read Prof. Kolmes’ statement.
You can also read in interview with Bishop Skylstad, including his childhood on the Methow River.
We wish to thank our sponsors:
Upper Columbia United Tribes * Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America * Catholic Diocese of Spokane * Tom Soeldner & Linda Finney * John & Joyce Rosekelley * Chris & Michelle Kopczynski * Jeff Lambert * Fred Christ * Burl O. Gray (in memorium) * Eymann Allison Hunter Jones PS * Smith & Lowney, PLLC * John & Rachael Osborn

We also want to thank musician Joe Hooper, chef Joyce Roskelley for catering Winter Waters, Steve Jones and John Roskelley for heading up the kitchen crew, and photographers Marc and Colleen Schillios. We also thank the many volunteers who make possible the honoring of our Watershed Heroes including, this year, Bishop Skylstad and the Steering Committee of the Columbia River Pastoral Letter.
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