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Taking Pride in our Waterways

Seattle, WA – Getting out in the community to talk with folks about Washington’s waters is critical to achieving CELP’s mission. With summer here and COVID restrictions easing, our Communications & Outreach Coordinator, Kaeli, was thrilled Pride in the Park gave her the first opportunity to table since joining the team.

Organized by Seattle Pride and hosted at Volunteer Park, Pride in the Park was an absolute blast—a beautiful celebration of love, pride, and community. Throughout the day Kaeli had so many thoughtful conversations with folks, from other environmental professionals sharing insights and fisherpeople affirming their commitment to conservation, to young people sharing their concerns about the future and swapping water conservation tips and tricks.

Seeking to give people an opportunity to express themselves and raise their voices for water, Kaeli created some fun props with prompts to share on CELP’s social media platforms. Seeing the variety of heartfelt responses was inspiring and an honor to document. Please take a moment to appreciate the inspirational words of your fellow community members and water advocates.

Press Releases
1. Court Upholds Dungeness Instream Flow Rule
2. Fish Hatchery Polluting Icicle Creek at Center of Court Ruling
3. Comment Regarding Application for New Water Right Out of Spokane Valley/Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer
4. CELP Welcomes New Communications & Outreach Coordinator
5. Remembering a Water Hero
6. Taking Pride in our Waterways
7. CELP Welcomes Summer 2022 Legal Intern
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